2003: PRASAD España incorporated
PRASAD España is incorporated. Today, PRASAD España raises funds, mainly for PRASAD Chikitsa programs in India.
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PRASAD España is incorporated. Today, PRASAD España raises funds, mainly for PRASAD Chikitsa programs in India.
Gurudev Siddha PeethNetra Chikitsa Eye Hospital inaugurated to provide eye surgeries and treatment to thousands of patients each year.
PRASAD Chikitsa conducts its first training program for midwives –– known as ‘dais’ –– in the Tansa Valley.
PRASAD Australia is incorporated in order to raise funds for PRASAD programs in India.
The Maternal and Child Health Program was created to help pregnant women have healthy pregnancies, safe deliveries and learn important information about childcare.
PRASAD Italia (2001-2006) was incorporated to raise funds for PRASAD programs in India
PRASAD Chikitsa initiated the creation of the first self-help groups in the Tansa Valley. These groups empower women to unite together as a group to
The CA Children’s Dental Health Program is launched in the Alum Rock School District in San Jose, California, where it served the community through 2004.
The Netraprakash Eye Clinic opens in the village of Akloli, in Maharashtra. In 2001, the clinic begins sponsoring small-scale eye camps several times a year.
The PRASAD Project launched its first website to increase visibility and the ability to share information with supporters!
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The PRASAD Project (PRASAD) is a not-for-profit organization committed to improving the quality of life of economically disadvantaged people around the world.
The PRASAD Project is approved by the Internal Revenue Service as a 501(c)(3) tax-exempt organization, and all donations are tax deductible to the extent allowed by law. The PRASAD Project Federal Identification Number (EIN) is 141751086.
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