Thanks to your generous support, PRASAD Children’s Dental Health Program has brought twenty years of happy, healthy smiles to children in need. Ever since the program was launched on April 6, 1998, the PRASAD CDHP mobile dental clinic has visited Sullivan County schools to provide dental health education and preventive and restorative dental services. The convenience of access to these services at the school is an invaluable benefit in a county without public transportation and many low-income families.

Since its inception PRASAD CDHP has distributed over 80,000 toothbrushes, received 27,000 dental visits and performed more than 86,000 dental procedures. Beyond the obvious health benefit of the services performed, each child is transformed by the caring, respectful and supportive treatment given by PRASAD CDHP staff—it’s an integral part of the care they receive.

Some children have had previous traumatic experiences with dental care; they arrive at the mobile dental clinic frightened and anxious. Our staff makes a gentle and concerted effort to ease their fears, explaining each step of the process. By the time the treatment is finished, the child is happy, unafraid and eager to come back for the next visit.
School nurses contact us when a child is in need of immediate dental care. Jenny first visited the mobile dental clinic because she was in constant pain from many cavities and unable to eat. Her oral condition had deteriorated to the point of needing several tooth extractions. But Jenny was a trouper! She was an excellent patient because she knew that our goal was to help her heal so that she could be pain-free. Jenny’s story is one of many demonstrating the importance of our program to the health and well-being of the children we serve.

We can calculate the cost of providing dental treatment, but the value of restoring a child’s health and self-confidence is priceless. Become a PRASAD CDHP Partner (a monthly donor) by clicking here. With your help, we can continue making a positive impact on the lives of children in underserved communities.
PRASAD CDHP Board of Trustees
Ronald Brent, President
Dr. Swati Desai, Treasurer
Reiko Kaplan, Trustee