In rural areas of the Tansa Valley in India, there is no public transportation, and many children have to walk barefoot to school every day. As families struggle to make ends meet, they are often unable to provide shoes for their children.
Walking shoeless can lead to dangerous situations for children, such as worm infestation and infections from debris along the road from things like thorn pricks or nails.
PRASAD Chikitsa is helping alleviate this hazard for school children and their families.
In June, PRASAD Chikitsa organized a footwear distribution program, ‘Happy Feet,’ for the children living in a remote area of the Tansa Valley. Each child received a pair of shoes – they were thrilled! They no longer have to worry about walking to school without proper footwear.
Sangita Biradar, the school teacher was also joyful: “This is the first time our children have received such a gift. I really admire the idea of giving footwear to these children, because most of them walk to school barefoot.”

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Warm regards,
Dr. M. Cecilia Escarra
Executive Director