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PRASAD Chikitsa Healthcare

Our whole person/holistic approach carries through our healthcare programs. PRASAD Chikitsa responds to people’s physical and mental health concerns and to the social and environmental conditions that contribute.

Our comprehensive programs meet immediate needs, such as illnesses and injuries, while preventive services are achieving long-term, sustainable improvements in the welfare of individuals and communities. This is important because chronic illness impedes a family’s ability to attain and/or retain financial stability, which can lead to food and housing insecurity and have negative impacts over generations. 

Before PRASAD Chikitsa offered healthcare, most children in the Tansa Valley were malnourished; adults battled untreated tuberculosis, heart disease and diabetes, and many endured lives of cataract-related blindness.

Government-run Primary Health Care Centers and the few private clinics did not have the capacity to meet the needs of Valley communities.

Through the Health Center and Mobile Hospital, PRASAD Chikitsa has significantly expanded access to healthcare across the region. In addition, our Sustainable Community Development and Agriculture programs offer opportunities for families to maintain financial and food security, directly contributing to their well-being.

Program Focus Areas


Stories from our Healthcare programs in India.

Better health for a better future

PRASAD works within local conditions and alongside local cultures to change lives. There are a number of ways you can support PRASAD, whether through ongoing monthly giving or a one-time donation.