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Women's Self-Help Groups

Uniting & Empowering Women

Women in the Tansa Valley generally have little to no education, are reliant on their husbands to support the family, and are traditionally not leaders within their villages. Self-Help Groups (SHGs) unite women, empowering them to learn new skills, start small businesses and become leaders within their communities.

The Purpose of the Women’s Self-Help Groups is to increase women’s financial independence, foster savings and banking habits, inspire women to assume social responsibility, and maximize skills and confidence.  When forming an SHG, participants agree to contribute a nominal sum of money every month to a common pool, which they use for group projects and to loan to each other. 

Members receive literacy and numeracy education; business entrepreneurship and agriculture training; and learn how to set up systems to manage their finances, decision-making, and planning. 

SHGs are involved in a range of projects, including running small collective businesses, improving the condition of roads and schools, organizing village cleanups, and promoting and accomplishing environmental initiatives.

Self-Help Groups have empowered women to become community leaders and to bring financial stability to their families, which we know from experience means that education and nutrition for children are given a higher priority in the household. In 2001, PRASAD Chikitsa helped to form and support 11 SHGs. Today, there are 250 SHGs, with more than 2,800 members among them. The success of these SHGs is inspiring more and more women to form their own groups.


Inspiring stories from PRASAD's work with Women's Self-Help Groups in the Tansa Valley, India.

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Women’s Self-help Groups

Help communities grow

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