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Responding to Natural Disasters

As part of its mission to help communities in distress, PRASAD responds to natural disasters within our service area by providing food, shelter, medical supplies and emergency services.

Over time, we continue to support recovery efforts by helping survivors and those affected to rebuild their lives.

When disaster strikes beyond our service area, PRASAD responds by partnering with international disaster relief organizations to provide aid to those people affected.

Currently, PRASAD is not collecting funds for disaster relief.

COVID-19 Relief in India

The lockdown exacerbated widespread food insecurity, especially among the homeless, including children and daily wage earners. The PRASAD Chikitsa team distributed more than 22,000 warm meals to those most in need in the villages of Vajreshwari and Akloli Kund. PRASAD Chikitsa also distributed Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) and dry ration packages in remote villages across the Tansa Valley.

PRASAD partnered with Americares to support COVID-19 treatment facilities in 10 states in India, including providing 1,100 oxygen concentrators, ventilators, PPE for health workers, and health education in COVID-19 prevention and vaccination.


The PRASAD de México team coordinated the funds raised to help devastated rural communities near the epicenter of the earthquake. They helped 52 families to repair the roofs of their houses in the distant mountain community of Tehuantepec. PRASAD helped these families build stronger, earthquake-resistant homes.


The PRASAD Project partnered with Americares to provide emergency relief and support recovery efforts in the aftermath of three sequential hurricanes in the United States and the Caribbean. Americares provided more than 100 shipments of medicines and supplies and helped to restore health services in Texas; distributed over $17 million worth of medicines and medical supplies to the affected areas of Florida, St. Maarten and the U.S. Virgin Islands; and provided medicines, medical supplies, and generators to healthcare facilities in Puerto Rico, Dominica and the U.S. Virgin Islands.

in Nepal

The PRASAD Project supported disaster relief in Nepal, where a 7.8 magnitude earthquake struck on April 25, 2015. We worked with AmeriCares to help alleviate its destruction.

Typhoon Haiyan in Philippines

The PRASAD Project collected funds to provide disaster relief to victims of Typhoon Haiyan, which struck the Philippines in 2013.
The hardest hit was Leyte Province, where floods and 170+ mile-per-hour winds destroyed the capital city of Tacloban, home to 220,000 people. The death toll exceeded 10,000. Funds collected by The PRASAD Project were sent to AmeriCares, our partner in this effort, to deliver medical relief and recovery aid.

Hurricane Sandy in New York

During the week of October 29, 2012, Hurricane Sandy brought widespread devastation to the East Coast of the United States, leaving at least 112 people dead, millions of people without electricity and thousands without homes. The combination of the hurricane and high tide left the Jersey Shore, lower Manhattan, Staten Island and Long Island in ruins. Many other areas also had devastating losses. In addition to supporting the American Red Cross in Sullivan County in New York, The PRASAD Project transferred collected funds to the American Red Cross to provide support to people affected by the hurricane.

in Somalia

In 2011, PRASAD partnered with AmeriCares, providing funds to respond to the conditions of drought and famine in Somalia.

Earthquake and Tsunami in Japan

On March 11, 2011, an 8.9-magnitude earthquake struck off the eastern coast of Japan, toppling buildings and igniting fires. The earthquake also generated a massive tsunami, which swept inland, carrying debris, cars, and buildings, and severely damaging a nuclear power plant. The PRASAD Project collaborated with Save the Children to establish an operations base to help the most vulnerable children and their families in Sendai, one of the most affected areas.

in Haiti

The PRASAD Project collected funds and, in collaboration with Direct Relief International (DRI), provided rapid and effective response to the crisis. Within 24 hours of the earthquake, DRI sent medical and nutritional aid to Haiti.

in Pakistan

In 2010, Pakistan suffered the worst floods in recorded history, affecting 20 million people. The PRASAD Project collected funds to support the efforts of Direct Relief International, our partner organization. Together, we supported numerous relief initiatives, holding 22 health camps, mobilizing multiple hospital teams to care for pregnant women and children, supporting tent communities with food and water, and delivering critically needed pediatric medication.

in Chile

The PRASAD Project provided disaster relief in Chile, where an 8.8 magnitude earthquake struck on February 27, 2010. Funds collected were forwarded to our partner on the ground, Operation USA, to provide direct services to people affected by the quake.

Hurricanes Katrina and Rita, U.S.

In 2005, storm surges from Hurricanes Katrina and Rita destroyed hundreds of square miles of coastal wetlands. The damage caused by flooding and storm surges was made worse by the previous loss of miles of protective wetlands. The PRASAD Project collected funds and, in collaboration with Direct Relief International (DRI), provided disaster relief.

Tsunami in
Southeast Asia

The tsunami of 2004 had a devastating effect on the coastal regions of South India and Northeast Sri Lanka. The PRASAD Project and PRASAD Chikitsa provided disaster relief to 3,200 families in 20 villages:
Donated five jeeps, Distributed over 15 tons of fishing nets, Repaired or replaced 155 fishing boat engines, Provided 86 new or repaired boats, Sponsored a team of volunteer doctors, Offered Siddha Yoga meditation and chanting sessions.

Earthquake in Gujarat, India

The PRASAD Project and PRASAD Chikitsa worked together to provide disaster relief after the massive Bhuj earthquake that occurred on Jan. 26, 2001, in the Indian state of Gujarat, on the Pakistan border. In addition to killing more than 20,000 people and injuring more than 150,000 others, the quake left hundreds of thousands homeless and destroyed or damaged more than a million buildings. A large portion of the local crops were ruined as well.