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Where We Work | INDIA

PRASAD Chikitsa

Addressing the Many and Varied Needs of Tansa Valley Residents

PRASAD Chikitsa is located in Ganeshpuri in the Tansa Valley, Maharashtra State. Just 90 minutes north of Mumbai, the Tansa Valley’s 225 villages are home to the 265,000 mostly indigenous tribal people that PRASAD Chikitsa serves.

The Tansa Valley is a rich, abundantly biodiverse region. It is a corridor for wildlife moving between the Sanjay Gandhi National Park and Tungareshwar Wildlife Sanctuary, is a source of Mumbai’s drinking water, and has fertile farming land.

The stark seasonality of the region– monsoon season, May – October, and the dry season, December – March, has a multi-layered impact on family welfare and the environment. Brick manufacturing, which many turn to in the dry season to make ends meet, is prevalent in the Valley. Brick kilns emit harmful gases that affect human health and the environment.

The Valley’s restoration and preservation are crucial ecologically and for tribal health and welfare. The vast majority of people in the Tansa Valley are from the Adivasi tribe. Kunbi, Malhar Koli, Katkari, and Warli tribes are also represented.

The average household is multigenerational and includes 2-to-4 adults and 2-to-3 children. Most tribal people are small-holder farmers cultivating 1 – 1.5 acres of land, earning an average annual household income of $560 – $700. According to the UN Multidimensional Poverty Index, 21.9% of people in India are living below the poverty level; in the Tansa Valley, 45% of residents fall into this category – that’s double the national average.

The daily challenges faced by families are myriad and interconnected. Most homes and villages do not have running water or proper sanitation infrastructure. Farmers have access to land but need training to cultivate the necessary mix of crops to be food and financially secure year-round. Access to basic healthcare is challenging, and pregnant women and children, in particular, struggle with malnutrition.

PRASAD takes a holistic approach, addressing the many and varied needs of Tansa Valley residents, offering a wide range of need-based programs. Our programs are focused on health, training, and empowerment, helping people to build sustainable lives with dignity.

Learn more about how our programs in India are making a difference here: